Mt Kenya is an extinct volcano with three jagged peaks rising to 5,199m/17,057ft. It offers beautiful forests and moorlands and a very beautiful climb.
read some of our blog posts on hiking

training for High Altitude?

Altitude is much like elevation only it refers to the distance measured above a specific planetary point, and in most places, this is the distance above sea level. So if we live at the sea, how do we train for high altitude? Getting technical about O2 and altitude At sea-level, the concentration of oxygen in … Continue reading 

hiking vs trekking

The terms seem to be used interchangeably on many websites and travel books. It becomes even more confusing when some companies sell their boots as 'trekking boots' and then proceed to state that they can be used on long hikes. And when is a walk a trek and when is it a hike? It becomes … Continue reading 

these boots are made for walking

Kilimanjaro, the Inca Trail, Everest Base camp or a simple short hike on local trails. We all dream of these amazing places and for some of us, turning those dreams into a reality is like a brand new lease on life.

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